Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ancient Asian History - The Ming and Qing Dynasty

Quiz of the unit: 30.11.2011

Topics (p.46-79)
Life in African Kingdoms
The slave Trade
Islamic Empires
Mughal Empire in India
Ming and Qing Dynasty
Japanese Isolatinism

1. Create a pictionary
2. Create a quiz with pictures (ver Xavier Quiz)

Example for multiple choice questions: 

The Golden Stool represented
a- The Benin Kingdom
b- The Ashanti Kindom
c- The Kongo Kingdom


After this unit students will have an over view about Chinese History, including early empires and the forbidden city

Questions to be solved: (p.67-71)

1. What does the word "Ming" mean ?
2. Why did the Chinese not need trade with foreigners ?
3. Why did the Chinese travel for ?
4. What is China still famous for ?
5. What was the most importance advance in writing ?
6. What is one of the greatest achievement of th Ming Dynasty ?
7. Why did Ming called a city "Forbidden" ?
8. When the Europeans came to China what was Ming interested in ?
9. What happened in 1644 ?
10. What does "Qing" mean ?
11. Name 2 things the Manchu introduced to the Chinese People.

Role Play - Oral Task
Ming's People - Europeans
Ming's People - Forbidden City
Ming's People - Expeditions

Chinese Empires

Click here to see part 1
Click here to see part 2
Click here to see part 3
Click here to see part 4
Click here to see part 5
Click here to see part 6
Click here to see part 7
Click here to see part 8
Click here to see part 9

Click here to see a historical video about the Ming and Qing Dynasties Part 1
Click here to see a historical video about the Ming and Qing Dynasties Part 2

Click here to see "The forbidden City" Part 1
Click here to see "The forbidden City" Part 2
Click here to see "The forbidden City" Part 3
Click here to see "The forbidden City" Part 4

Click here to see "The forbidden City" Part 5
Click here to see "The forbidden City" Part 6

Monday, November 14, 2011

Islamic Empires

Read pages 57-66 and answer the following questions:

1. What are the names of the two Islamic Empires ?
2. Who was their leaders ?
3. Did they get along with eachother ?
4. Which country did the Ottomans take over ?
5. What happened to Constantinopole ?
6. What did Sultan Bayezid and his son achieve ?
7. Why was it called the "Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire" ? (1481-1566)
8. What were the 2 passions of the Ottomans Empire ?
9. How did the Savavids and the Ottomanns were different speaking of Religion ?


10. Were foreigners welcomed to the Safavid Persia Empire ?
11. What became Persia famous for ?
12. How did the Safavid Empire end ?
13. Who was Akbar ? (most important facts)
14. What did he try to create ? Why ?
15. Explain some of the important architecture.
16. Why was the new leader Aurangzeb not as popular as Akbar ?
17. When and why did the Europeans come to India ?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Life in African Kingdoms and the Slave Trade (p.46-56)


1. Get to know about African Culture and early Empires.

2. Create a Pictionary: Golden Stool, Ashanti people, Confederation, Extended family, Kingdom of Benin, Kingdom of Congo, Manikongo, Missionaries, Slaves, Slavery, Slavemarket, Triangular Trade, Middle Passage.
3. Investigate about ancient african Empires.
4. Blog:
Check out some videos from BBC. What can you discover ? Design your Blog.


 Trailer from the movie "Amistad" about Slavery.

Clicke here to learn more about Europeans in Africa
Click here to watch "The European Hunger of African Resources"

More Facts about African History

1. Click here to watch video # 1 about "History of Africa"
2. Click here to watch video # 2 about "History of Africa"
3. Click here to watch video # 3 about "History of Africa"

If you are interested about how is Africa today watch this great documental from BBC.