How to create your own Crossword Puzzle, Quiz and Power Point Presentation

Click here to create your own crossword puzzle.

Here are the instruction

1.   Log in (email-
      password: Ask the teacher)
2.   Go to "Start Instant Crossword"
3.   Click "Quick"
4.   Start crosswording (15-20 tasks)
5.   Click "Create Crossword"
6.   Click "Move to Compiler"
7.   Put Crossword Title and your name
      (example: The earth by Cyntia Bach1)
8.   Click "Send" at the right, lower bottom
9.   Click "Your Crosswords"
10.  Resolve your own created crossword puzzle
11.  Click "Test" to see if you were right

In order to look for definition and terms you can use your students' book or Internet-Sources such as:

Onelook Dictionary, Wikepedia in English or Online Encyclopedias

The dictionary search machine one look will give you a variety of dictionaries.
Try to search for the best dictionary.

Example: Relief
As relief is a geographical term, I recommend you to scroll down on your mouse and search for a geographical dictionary.

I hope that helps. :)

Click here to create an on-line Quiz

8 Steps to create a On-line quiz to resolve immideately.

1. Logg in (email:, password: Ask the teacher)
2. Click "Quiz Manager"
3. Click "New Quiz"
4. Fill in Quiz Title and your name (for example: Minerals/Ana Maria)
5. Click "Save"
6. Option 1- True or False
      - Go to question and put in your question
      - Go to answer and mark "True or False"
      - Mark the correct answer
      - Click on "Save and make a new question"
    Option 2 - Multiple choice
      - Go to question and put in your question
      - Go to answer and mark "Multiple choice"
      - Put in your choices (at least 3) and mark the correct answer
    Option 3 - Short Answer (more dificult)
      - Go to question and put in your question
      - Go to answer and mark "Short Answer"
      - Go to correct answer and put your answer 
7. After formulating your own questions click "Save and go to Question List"  
8. Click on "Finish Editing"

Upoad your own Power Point Presentation to share it with your classmates :)

Username: bachelor3
Password: Ask the teacher