Why did explorers come to the Amercias ? How did the Spanish explorers defeat the Aztec and the Inca ?
Investigate the following
Santo Domingo, Hernán Cortés, Moctezuma, Francisco Pizarro, Atahualpa, Colombus, Colombian Exchange, Hispaniola, Smallpox, Incan Empire, Aztec Empire and Mayan Empire, Settlers
Use the webpage: http://www.exploresv.com/ (works only with Internet Explorer, Code: 2-Ch3)
Click here to create your own crossword puzzle.
For instructions click here "HERE". It is really easy.
First investigate and then create a Role Play
Role Play 1 / Who was Atahualpa? Who was Pizarro? Did they ever meet?
Role Play 2 / Colombian Exchange
Role Play 3 / Columbus / Santo Domingo / Hispanola
Role Play 4 / Cortés / Moctezuma
Role Play 4 / Cortés / Moctezuma
Design your own blog with videos, information and quizzes
Click here to learn how to create a quiz.
Create your own pictionary quiz. Click here to see one example
Check - Monday, October 17th.
Patrick I already did the crossword, hope u check it!
Great stuff Ric...everything is fine. Check my other blogs to see what you have to do. Hope you are coming to class soon. Are you still sick ?